Source code for structuregraph_helpers.subgraph

"""Extract subgraphs from structure graphs."""
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import List, Tuple

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from pymatgen.analysis.graphs import MoleculeGraph, StructureGraph
from pymatgen.core import Element, Molecule, Structure

__all__ = ("get_subgraphs_as_molecules",)

def _is_in_cell(frac_coords: np.ndarray) -> bool:
    return (frac_coords <= 1).all()

def _is_any_atom_in_cell(frac_coords: np.ndarray) -> bool:
    return any(_is_in_cell(row) for row in frac_coords)

def _get_mass(atomic_symbol: str) -> float:
    elem = Element(atomic_symbol)
    return elem.atomic_mass

def com(xyz: np.ndarray, mass: np.ndarray) -> float:
    """Compute the center of mass of a set of atoms."""
    mass = mass.reshape((-1, 1))
    return (xyz * mass).mean(0)

def _select_parts_in_cell(
    molecules: List[Molecule],
    graphs: List[MoleculeGraph],
    indices: List[List[int]],
    indices_here: List[List[int]],
    centers: List[np.ndarray],
    fractional_coordinates: np.ndarray,
    coordinates: np.ndarray,
) -> Tuple[List[Molecule], List[MoleculeGraph], List[List[int]]]:
    valid_indices = defaultdict(list)
    for i, ind in enumerate(indices_here):
        frac_coords = fractional_coordinates[ind]

        if _is_any_atom_in_cell(frac_coords):
            sorted_idx = sorted(indices[i])

    molecules_ = []
    selected_indices = []
    graphs_ = []
    centers_ = []
    coordinates_ = []

    for _, v in valid_indices.items():
        for index in v:

    return molecules_, graphs_, selected_indices, centers_, coordinates_

[docs]def get_subgraphs_as_molecules( # noqa:C901 structure_graph: StructureGraph, use_weights: bool = False, return_unique: bool = True, disable_boundary_crossing_check: bool = False, filter_in_cell: bool = True, prune_long_edges: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[ List[Molecule], List[MoleculeGraph], List[List[int]], List[np.ndarray], List[np.ndarray] ]: """Isolates connected components as molecules from a StructureGraph. Copied from and removed the duplicate check and added pruning of long edges that seem to cause issues in some cases. This function also returns more info than the original function. .. warning:: This edge pruning is a hack and should be removed when the underlying issue is fixed. Args: structure_graph (StructureGraph): Structuregraph use_weights (bool): If True, use weights for the edge matching return_unique (bool): If true, it only returns the unique molecules. If False, it will return all molecules that are completely included in the unit cell and fragments of the ones that are only partly in the cell disable_boundary_crossing_check (bool): If true, it will not check if the molecules are crossing the boundary of the unit cell. Default is False. filter_in_cell (bool): If True, it will only return molecules that have at least one atom in the cell prune_long_edges (bool): If True, it will remove long edges. This is somewhat of a hack to workaround a bug i suspect in the __mul__ method of StructureGraph. Returns: Tuple[List[Molecule], List[MoleculeGraph], List[List[int]], List[np.ndarray], List[np.ndarray]]: A tuple of (molecules, graphs, indices, centers, coordinates) """ # creating a supercell is an easy way to extract # molecules (and not, e.g., layers of a 2D crystal) # without adding extra logic sg = structure_graph.__copy__() sg.structure = Structure.from_sites(sg.structure.sites) try: node_attributes = nx.get_node_attributes(sg.graph, "idx") if len(node_attributes) == 0: raise KeyError("No node attributes found") except KeyError: warnings.warn("No node attributes found. Using indices as node attributes.") nx.set_node_attributes( sg.graph, name="idx", values=dict(zip(range(len(structure_graph)), range(len(structure_graph)))), ) # This the __mul__ method seems buggy. # potentially this issue here supercell_sg = sg * (3, 3, 3) s_indices = np.arange(len(supercell_sg.structure)) nx.set_node_attributes( supercell_sg.graph, dict(zip(s_indices, supercell_sg.structure.cart_coords)), "coords" ) # make undirected to find connected subgraphs supercell_sg.graph = nx.Graph(supercell_sg.graph) if prune_long_edges: edges_to_remove = [] for u, v, _ in supercell_sg.graph.edges(data=True): # ToDo: make this dependent on the cutoffidct if ( np.linalg.norm( supercell_sg.graph.nodes(data=True)[u]["coords"] - supercell_sg.graph.nodes(data=True)[v]["coords"] ) > 3 ): edges_to_remove.append((u, v)) for edge_to_remove in edges_to_remove: supercell_sg.graph.remove_edge(*edge_to_remove) # find subgraphs all_subgraphs = [ supercell_sg.graph.subgraph(c).copy() for c in nx.connected_components(supercell_sg.graph) ] # discount subgraphs that lie across *supercell* boundaries # these will subgraphs representing crystals molecule_subgraphs = [] for subgraph in all_subgraphs: if disable_boundary_crossing_check: molecule_subgraphs.append(nx.MultiDiGraph(subgraph)) else: intersects_boundary = any( (d["to_jimage"] != (0, 0, 0) for u, v, d in subgraph.edges(data=True)) ) if not intersects_boundary: molecule_subgraphs.append(nx.MultiDiGraph(subgraph)) # add specie names to graph to be able to test for isomorphism for subgraph in molecule_subgraphs: for node in subgraph: subgraph.add_node( node, specie=str(supercell_sg.structure[node].specie), coord=supercell_sg.structure[node].coords, ) unique_subgraphs = [] def node_match(n1, n2): return n1["specie"] == n2["specie"] def edge_match(e1, e2): if use_weights: return e1["weight"] == e2["weight"] return True if return_unique: for subgraph in molecule_subgraphs: already_present = [ nx.is_isomorphic(subgraph, g, node_match=node_match, edge_match=edge_match) for g in unique_subgraphs ] if not any(already_present): unique_subgraphs.append(subgraph) def make_mols(molecule_subgraphs=None, center=False): if molecule_subgraphs is None: molecule_subgraphs = molecule_subgraphs molecules = [] indices = [] indices_here = [] mol_centers = [] coordinates = [] for subgraph in molecule_subgraphs: idx = [subgraph.nodes[n]["idx"] for n in subgraph.nodes()] coords = np.array([subgraph.nodes()[i]["coord"] for i in subgraph.nodes()]) species = [supercell_sg.structure[n].specie for n in subgraph.nodes()] idx_here = list(subgraph.nodes()) molecule = Molecule(species, coords) # site_properties={"binding": binding} masses = np.array( [_get_mass(str(supercell_sg.structure[idx].specie)) for idx in idx_here] ) mol_centers.append(com(supercell_sg.structure.cart_coords[idx_here], masses)) # shift so origin is at center of mass if center: molecule = molecule.get_centered_molecule() indices.append(idx) molecules.append(molecule) indices_here.append(idx_here) coordinates.append(coords) assert len(subgraph) == len(coords) == len(idx) == len(idx_here) return molecules, indices, indices_here, mol_centers, coordinates def relabel_graph(multigraph): mapping = dict(zip(multigraph, range(0, len(multigraph.nodes())))) return nx.readwrite.json_graph.adjacency_data(nx.relabel_nodes(multigraph, mapping)) if return_unique: mol, idx, indices_here, centers, coordinates = make_mols(unique_subgraphs, center=True) return_subgraphs = unique_subgraphs return ( mol, [MoleculeGraph(mol, relabel_graph(graph)) for mol, graph in zip(mol, return_subgraphs)], idx, centers, coordinates, ) mol, idx, indices_here, centers, coordinates = make_mols(molecule_subgraphs) return_subgraphs = [ MoleculeGraph(mol, relabel_graph(graph)) for mol, graph in zip(mol, molecule_subgraphs) ] if filter_in_cell: mol, return_subgraphs, idx, centers, coordinates = _select_parts_in_cell( mol, return_subgraphs, idx, indices_here, centers, sg.structure.lattice.get_fractional_coords(supercell_sg.structure.cart_coords), coordinates, ) return mol, return_subgraphs, idx, centers, coordinates